Journal Entry

 Dear Diary.......

My third week at NEMISA......

My third week at NEMISA was mainly boring. Some days during the week were better than others. What stood out to me this week was finally having a lesson on Software training and the school event I had on Friday.

 I finally got to start with Software training with Ma'am Moleboheng. She taught us how to use Adobe Illustrator and it was quite fun and interesting. I enjoyed the whole learning process and I hope to enjoy more of her lessons.

For Ms. Zelda and Ma'am Tebogo's lesson, we watched Martin Luther King's speech titled "I Have a Dream" delivered on the 28th of August 1963, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It was quite electric. We were then asked to each say what our dreams were on the spot. Ms.Zelda later gave us a task to write our own "I Have a Dream" speech in Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech format. She then gave us cursive writing to complete.

For film appreciation, we wrote a task on Requiem for a Dream and The Candyman. The task was not that challenging, I do hope I did well.

Later in the week, we had an event where we had people come over to the school and just showcase their works. We had a gaming booth, a screening from the Film and Television Alumni, a drawing workshop, and an art exhibition. 


  1. i love you honesty and articulation, very insightful.

  2. i kinda disagree about the test, with the time limit and the 3rd question i was sweating rivers lmao but everything else is quite insightful, always fun to read.

  3. My IQ which rose with perspective, has plummeted with learning Illustrator and Animate


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